Oakland Acupuncture; Aster Acupuncture.
Oakland Acupuncture, Blue Shield Preferred Provider. Acupuncture in Oakland, Medical Massage , Herbs 510-927 6800.
Licensed Acupuncturist Oakland

Masja van der Hoog, MSOM, Lac ; Licensed Acupuncturist- Eastern Medicine practitioner specializes in Acupuncture and Internal Chinese Medicine, and is happy in her general Acupuncture practice .  Her treatment modalities are Acupuncture; Cupping, and Herbal  Chinese Medicine. 

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 " How and why I became an Acupuncturist, and how I can help you; I suffered a serious ankle sprain, which I was able to heal completely with Acupuncture and practiced martial arts and dance for 20 years after that. My healing journey with Acupuncture inspired me to become an Acupuncturist myself." In my practice I treat a lot of musculoskeletal  complaints and injuries that happened  at work and during ( sports) accidents."                                                                                                         " Women s health;   Growing up in the Netherlands, where the weather is very cold, I often suffered from pain, and had to leave school; and come home. I practice Integrative Chinese Medicine for women's  health because women are a group often left behind in Medicine. My focus is on Internal Medicine, and the elimination of pain and suffering.       We are often not given a clear diagnosis, misdiagnosed or told our ailments are purely psychological, and we are then often sent home without treatment.    With Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine I have found an effective alternative to diagnose and treat women including all others. I love to help people, empower their lives, and become the best and healthiest they can be."

                                                        Aster Acupuncture's main Acupuncturist, and Founder;  Masja van der Hoog, MS was born in Holland, and after she traveled the world she came to the Bay Area in 1997 to study alternative Medicine. She has treated many Bay Area residents with Massage Therapy since 1999 after graduating from the Acupressure Institute of Berkeley. Her background in the Arts, and Dance move her daily practice. She currently practices Cupping. 

Miss van der Hoog holds a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine from Acupuncture Integrative Medicine College of Berkeley (2008), and has been practicing  Acupuncture as a Board Licensed Acupuncturist since 2010


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Her internships where at; the AIMC Berkeley community Acupuncture clinic; West Berkeley Family Practice; Lifang Liang San Francisco ( Acupuncture Fertility, and Gynecology specialist); the Charlotte Maxwell clinic in San Francisco ( a clinic for low income women ) and she has worked at the East West Integrative Medicine Clinic in San Francisco ( A clinic that specializes in Acupuncture Fertility, Gynecology, and Pregnancy.)

Miss van der Hoog practices Internal Chinese Medicine , and treats with acupuncture, Massage, cupping, and Chinese Medicine.  She treats people of all ages, and aims to create a safe , inclusive space for every one. She is very good at treating stress, Anxiety, Insomnia and  helping people with other minor behavioral issues that welcome change. She also practices women' s health, gynecology, menopause support, men s health,  and  is inclusive to all others, She welcomes all people. She treats Acute and chronic Muscular skeletal injuries and the Diseases classified within the scope of Chinese Medicine


Masja focuses on you as an individual, making an individual treatment plan for you, and prescriptions for you, choosing from treatment modalities that will help you on your healing path, and are appropriate for your particular condition.               

Masja is a gifted healer who uses a caring approach, with sensitivity, a thorough scientific thought process, creativity, skill and artfulness, combined with a lot of experience treating people, and a good knowledge of the body in movement. She has treated many peoples injuries , and internal imbalances successfully.

To make an appointment for your first Acupuncture intake and treatment please click on the  book online now button, or call          510-927 6800 


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